Savoring Life

Please welcome Dorothy Johnson as my guest blogger this week.  I met Dorothy a few years ago at the Hemingway-Pfeiffer writers’ retreat in Piggott, Arkansas, and we have been friends ever since.  Her poetry and insights into human nature are delightful. Find Dorothy at



            Chocolate has always been my comfort food of choice. Back when Hershey’s candy bars came in five rows of double squares, I’d buy a bar and eat it at my desk.  The very act of sliding off the brown wrapper and opening the foil packet became a soothing ritual. (Must have been all that serotonin.) Anyway, I’d eat it—one square at a time, while I worked.

            The problem was that sometimes because I was preoccupied with a project, I’d reach for another bite of candy only to find an empty wrapper. I’d think, “Where’d it go. I couldn’t have eaten all that.” But I had. It was gone, which meant I’d munched my way through the entire 200+ calories without truly enjoying every bite. That’s a real bummer when you need to count calories.


            I get a similar feeling when I look back on this year. In January, I unwrapped 2013 with great expectations. While I’ve enjoyed much of it, I feel like I’m down to the last two squares, and asking myself what happened to the rest. How can it already be November? I know where September went and the first part of October—I traveled a lot. But I was home a couple of weeks before Halloween, and it still sneaked up on me. Now we’re burning weeks in November with Thanksgiving fast approaching.

            I’ve become aware of my advancing years, so I’m more conscious of the need to make the most of my time. That’s complicated because I want to cram too much into each day, each week, each month. But when I’m too busy, I get distracted, rushed, stressed and sometimes find myself just going through the motions in much the same way I mindlessly gobbled up that chocolate.

            So I’m changing my ways. Even though there are many good things, I’m trying to choose what’s best for me for this time. When my calendar starts filling up, I’m beginning to say, “Thank you, but I can’t do that.”  It’s difficult because I like people and saying yes too often is a weakness of mine.

            Cresent HotelBut I’ve been practicing. Instead of going away for two weeks to write as planned, I’m enjoying three days away and seeing friends I love in the process. Most of our time is devoted to writing; however, we’re not slaves to a schedule either. Today, I’ve taken a couple of walks to enjoy the glorious fall foliage, dined with friends and still had time to work on several writing projects.  I can honestly say I did exactly what I wanted to do.

            In just a minute, I’m going to partake of my latest indulgence—Dark Dove Chocolate. Just one. While I do nothing else except savor its bold, smooth flavor.

            If you were here, I’d give you one, too. I brought a whole bag.       Dove candy

            Do you have any secrets for managing your busy schedule when things get hectic?


8 Responses

  1. Grace Grits and Gardening
    Grace Grits and Gardening November 12, 2013 at 12:36 pm |

    Love this post. I try to make the most of my time and find it easier to say ‘no’ now that I’m older. Time spent is time we will never get back.

  2. Dot
    Dot November 12, 2013 at 8:58 am |

    Dorothy, I too am at the place where I need to choose wisely how I use my time and energy (I’m probably about 15 years ahead of you on this). My “secret” for time management is “why am I doing this?” I still take on too much because there are so many things I want to do while I can. A good post that gives us all something to think about.

    1. dotlatjohn
      dotlatjohn November 12, 2013 at 10:21 am |

      Thank you! It’s a constant battle with me not to overcommit because I love people and like doing things with them. After today’s writers’ meeting, my week is free and I intend to stay home and savor the quiet.

  3. Gayle Glass
    Gayle Glass November 12, 2013 at 7:53 am |

    Dorothy, I used to think it was only me that ‘crammed’ everything into a day, and I’d get frustrated with myself…until I found that a lot of my friends are the same way. Thanks for reminding us to take time to enjoy what we are involved in.

    1. dotlatjohn
      dotlatjohn November 12, 2013 at 10:23 am |

      Thank you for the opportunity to do this guest post and for your kind words, my friend. Loved doing it.

  4. Freeda Baker Nichols
    Freeda Baker Nichols November 12, 2013 at 7:10 am |

    Enjoyed reading this! Dorothy, bravo! I love chocolates, too, and writing!

    1. dotlatjohn
      dotlatjohn November 12, 2013 at 10:24 am |

      Thank you, Freeda. What would we do without Chocolate!

      1. Freeda Baker Nichols
        Freeda Baker Nichols November 12, 2013 at 10:41 am |

        Life would be drab!

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