Just For Fun Friday 05/02/2014

This was actually written when I returned from Lucidity in April 2013, but I found I had the same dilemma when I returned last Friday.  Sometimes you just don’t want to get back into the real world…  

Extending the peace

I unload the car, unpack the cases,suitcase
return everything to its proper place
and have lunch.
The dogs are still at the kennel
where they have temperature-controlled rooms
with sun porches.
Should I go get them now?
The kennel doesn’t close until six.
Considering, I stretch out on the couch.


4 Responses

  1. Freeda Baker Nichols
    Freeda Baker Nichols May 2, 2014 at 9:03 pm |

    Sounds like a plan! Good to go, and good to get back home!

  2. Dot
    Dot May 2, 2014 at 8:46 am |

    I understand completely. When I get home from a trip I think: Pokey’s happy where he is, I’ll wait a while to face his exuberance over a CAR RIDE!

    1. Gayle Glass
      Gayle Glass May 2, 2014 at 8:09 pm |

      Dot, That’s it exactly! The Car Ride and MOMMY’S HOME!!!!

  3. Diane
    Diane May 2, 2014 at 7:50 am |

    I know the feeling – one needs to ease back into the real world…

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