A Good Use for Rainy Days

On this rainy Sunday afternoon, I decided I had to find out what was in those boxes 20141013_185612_resizedin the back of my closet. And I stumbled upon a treasure trove – one of the boxes was full of old jewelry.  Most was costume stuff that I used to sell, but there were a few really good pieces that I have been looking for, for  a few years now.

How did all that get there? Thinking back, I can only figure that during a time when my son came to live with me for a while, I quickly stashed stuff into boxes and threw them into the closet – figuring I’d go through them later.  Well…it’s finally later.

After spending the better part of the evening sorting through it all, deciding what to give away, what to throw away, and what to keep, I feel like I’ve got a whole new jewelry wardrobe. Just in time for the winter wardrobe change, too! Yay – no new baubles needed this year.

Do you have boxes with unknown contents like this? In a closet, an attic, or a storage shed?  Every year, I look into one of these places and think, “I’ve really got to go through all this stuff”, then close the door and forget about it. Hmm…come to think about it, I’ve got a whole spare bedroom that needs that.

ideasHitting closer to home, though, are writing projects that have been ‘stashed away’ to be worked on later. I’ve told you before, I have several flash drives with miscellaneous things on them, not to mention a laptop and a desktop with different things and different versions of the same things on them.  I’ve got a file cabinet full of newspaper articles and books and folders containing notes and research for projects undone.  I’ve really got to go through all that stuff.

Of course, there are pieces that will make me scratch my head and wonder “What was I thinking, anyway?” THOSE will get deleted, discarded like that broken puka shell necklace. No use hanging on to old junk – I’ve got enough new junk!  But who knows?  I might uncover a long-forgotten poem, short story, or a book outline that is a real treasure. At least I’ll find ideas and prompts to get me through those days when nothing will come to mind.  I’m sure I’ll find early works that are outdated, but like that dull old silver jewelry will shine gloriously with just a little polishing.

Do you ever stumble across something like that? An old piece, written when you were first exploring your talent, that isn’t very well written but contains a gem of an idea or a great subject to research and build upon?  Something you started last year, but closed out and forgot about when your mother-in-law invaded your home for a week?  Have you already made use of one of those things?  How’d it work out for you?

Well, time to open the doors and drawers and databanks. These dreary, rainy autumn days are made for that. Pull all those old files out and really look at them. Shoot – I’ll bet we could keep ourselves busy for at least a month, just revitalizing all those found treasures. I know I could.

I’ve REALLY got to through all that stuff…

buried in paperwork


4 Responses

  1. sandra harrison
    sandra harrison October 14, 2014 at 8:55 pm |

    Great post. I do have a lot of half written pieces of work…my favorite find recently was a poem I don’t remember writing. Since it is my handwriting, Im sure I wrote it, just don’t remember when or what was goin on, but it was so good that I said to myself “wow, I wrote that?” LOL. Wish I could find more of those kinda treasures.

  2. Dot
    Dot October 14, 2014 at 12:36 pm |

    I’ve got boxes accumulated for our church rummage sale also. I still have a way to go. As for writing I have a file folder marked “very loose ends”. Need to get to that. Thanks for the inspiration.

    1. Gayle Glass
      Gayle Glass October 14, 2014 at 2:04 pm |

      Dot, I love that! “Very Loose Ends” – Perfect!

  3. dotlatjohn
    dotlatjohn October 14, 2014 at 8:56 am |

    Yes ‘um. I have both. I’ve actually been cleaning out closets and drawers that were bulging because of a tag sale our church is having. Feels good to say goodbye to some of that stuff. And I have more than a few pieces of stories that I could pull out and work on. Woke of thinking about one of them today.

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