What’s YOUR Process?

horrors!Last week, I talked about my writing process, which isn’t really a process but more like happy accidents.

The blog pulled lots of comments on all media outlets.  It seems my process is the same as many of you.  Yay – I’m not alone!

But I have other friends who are prolific writers, and write every day, with what seems like an endless supply of inispiration.They have finished several books,  articles for magazines and newspapers, contest entries for short stories and essays, and are active in several writing and/or critique groups.  Where does that come from?

writing multiAdmittedly, several no longer have other ‘day jobs’ and they aren’t trying to squeeze their writing time into a few available hours in the day.  But they do have personal lives and are very busy with other things.  And the ones that are still working are apparently MUCH better at planning their writing than I am.  They can singularly concentrate on one project, seeing it through to the end.  Applause!


This causes me great anguish. One – as explained before, I just don’t have many ideas ready to be pulled out and worked on at will – (except for a couple books I’ve been working on for years. Those create other problems for me -  Discuss later….)  Two - remember? I have W.A.D.D. – Writers’ Attention Deficit Disorder (I’ve talked about this) – which means the thoughts in my mind bounce around like a ping pong ball in an empty room. Okay – don’t go there.  Concentrating on a single project for more than a day or so is nearly impossible for me. There’s just too much out there to write about!

So, I’m keeping this blog a bit short.   Here’s my quest.

Those of you in that group that always have a book or other project going; who CAN decide “I’m going to write this afternoon” and actually know what you will write, PLEASE send me a few paragraphs on your process. How your inspiration comes, and do you control it? How do you keep other stories from interfering on THE one?  How do you keep it fresh in your mind?

Yes, I’m basically asking for a few guest blogs. We (me and my fellow W.A.D.D. sufferers) would love some insight on how to direct our muse.  I’d love to do a few weeks on writing processes.  I’ll give you all the credit you want, plus more!

Send to gayle.glass@ymail.com along with a line giving me permission to post. Thanks, in advance, for sharing!

typing hands

2 Responses

  1. sandra harrison
    sandra harrison December 12, 2014 at 8:36 pm |

    I also have a hard time staying on one project for long. I have a stack of half finished stories and poems just waiting to be rescued. I need more will power to stick with things!!

  2. dotlatjohn
    dotlatjohn December 9, 2014 at 10:01 pm |

    I think people who have full time jobs ans still find time to write are amazing. Even in retirement, I get way busy, but I do try to write something every day/ But i am not prolific like some folks we know.

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