One Last Farewell

penI’m rambling a bit today.  You know how thoughts seem to wander around in your head, only partially related, but still talking to you?

Well, in the days before and after New Years, I noticed several television stations ran tributes to celebrities and others of fame who passed away in 2014.  Notably missing from every list I saw were two names – poet Maya Angelou, and writer Daniel Keyes.daniel keyesAngelou

It seems that literary passings are quickly forgotten.  Well, it seems that way.  I do remember that on the list the movie channels (AMC, TCM) ran, they mentioned a few screenwriters.  Yay!

Do we need a reminder of how important words are?

As I’ve posted before – words influence society.  Songs, commercial jingles, nursery rhymes, letters between lovers, textbooks, legal decisions, news reports, and eulogies are all recorded by people who write( oh yeah….blogs, too). Words are the center of our communication system, and those who can put them together into works that stir our hearts and minds, and perhaps create a desire to change or join a cause, should have their lives celebrated. All of us need to acknowledge the works of any writer…those who grab a child’s mind with his first book, entertain or inform us for a fleeting moment, or who write those works we carry with us forever.

Most people take the literary world, and word-smiths, for granted.  We are just a part of the everyday workings of their daily lives.  But are you just a little proud to be a member of that elite group called ‘writers’?  You should be.  There aren’t many of us, when it’s all considered.

So rest your keyboards, one more time, in a last farewell to those who left us in 2014.  We have some big shoes to fill.


flowers on keyboard



Starting off 2015 – Miller Williams, Poet.  Jan 01, 2015.Miller Williams


4 Responses

  1. sandra harrison
    sandra harrison January 13, 2015 at 12:35 pm |

    Thank you for this post…it really hit home. I, too, had wondered why those two bright stars were left out. On a more personal level; I was on the verge of giving up all my writings. I feel my work is very inferior when compared to others that I admire. You have reminded me that we do have a place in society, even if it is just our grandchildren or friends that appreciate the emotions and feelings we put into our writing. Once a writer, always a writer! LOL

  2. dotlatjohn
    dotlatjohn January 13, 2015 at 9:24 am |

    Good post.We need to remember those who’ve influenced us. I’m going to the funeral of a friend today and have already written about him, his keen curiosity and love of learning. I may post it.

    1. Gayle Glass
      Gayle Glass January 13, 2015 at 11:03 am |

      DJ, you NEED to post it. We should acknowledge our appreciation of all our friends. Looking forward to seeing it.

  3. Diane Stefan
    Diane Stefan January 13, 2015 at 7:35 am |

    Thankful that YOU honored them. . .

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