Just For Fun Friday 03/27/2015

Just a few odds and ends picked up while surfing this week…

flying pigs

If pigs could fly, their friends couldn’t watch!  It’s physically impossible for a pig to look up at the sky. (Sure, while in its normal standing position.  But if MY friend was flying, I’d be laying on my back, yelling “Way to go, dude!”)

BTW, I always heard that cows can go UP stairs, but can’t go DOWN.   There are many videos disproving this ‘legend’. But they just don’t like it…

We know a palindrome is a word (or phrase) that is the same backwards as it is forward – like ‘MOM’.  But Palindromes spelled backwards is semordnilap – which is a real word.  A Semordnilap is a word that, when spelled backwards, forms a completely different (but real) word. Yes, I looked it up.  It’s pronounced Sehm-oard-nih-lap, and here’s an example: lager/regal   Are you confused yet?

Did you know-

  • Play-Doh was developed originally as a product for cleaning wallpaper? Send that one to  Heloise!
  • Bubble wrap was invented as a textured wallpaper? Can you imagine what fun your kids would have if you did their bedroom walls? Would it drive you crazy?
  • And here’s my favorite –  Centuries ago, wine merchants would boil off water on large shipments in order to reduce custom taxes, which were based on volume.  The resulting beverage, Brandy, was discovered to have a distinctive flavor of its own.



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