Just For Fun Friday 08/23/13

booksFun Fact - Did you know there’s a chapter missing from the published version of The Looking Glass?  Apparently, at the end of the chapter about the White Knight, Alice was to have grabbed a woman’s wig instead of the goat’s beard, which would have led to the missing chapter (called A Wasp in a Wig).

Here’s the letter to Carroll from his publisher about it, taken from an article on Lenny’s Alice In Wonderland site ( in my blogroll):

“My Dear Dodgson:
I think that when the jump occurs in the railway scene you might very well make Alice lay hold of the goat’s beard as being the object nearest to her hand – instead of the old lady’s hair. The jerk would actually throw them together.

Don’t think me brutal, but I am bound to say that the ‘wasp’ chapter does not interest me in the least, and I can’t see my way to a picture. If you want to shorten the book, I can’t help thinking – with all submission – that this is your opportunity.
In an agony of haste,
             Yours sincerely,
                               J. Tenniel”

(source: Gardner, M., The Annotated Alice, 1998, p.221)

Letter from Tenniel to Carroll
  Tenniel also commented: “A wasp in a wig is altogether beyond the appliances of art”. Therefore, the  predominant opinion about the omission of the chapter is that Tenniel didn’t want to draw a picture of a wasp in a wig. It could also be  that he just didn’t have time to make another picture, because he had a Punch deadline coming up.  It is also suggested that in this chapter, the Wasp makes a criticism of Alice’s eyes.  Tenniel, who had only one eye ( that’s a different bit of research to do!), objected to it.
 I guess publishers are the same, no matter what century they live in!

3 Responses

  1. Dorothy Johnson
    Dorothy Johnson August 29, 2013 at 10:22 pm |

    I didn’t know this! But, yes, publishers and editors have a way of cutting out the fat!

  2. Robin (@EnchantedXcurse)
    Robin (@EnchantedXcurse) August 26, 2013 at 11:08 pm |


  3. patlaster
    patlaster August 23, 2013 at 8:42 am |

    Fun Friday, indeed!

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