
Inspiration, Influence, or Something Else?

If you read a poem or story and you write something based on your reaction, is it okay? So at what point is it NOT okay? Of course if you copy lines, that’s definitely taboo. But what if, when someone reads your work and thinks  “Oh, xxxx wrote a piece like this, too.”? Have you crossed […]

A New Respect

A New Respect

This is my first blog post in a long time, mainly because I’ve been so busy with some urgent issues, and haven’t even THOUGHT about writing – which brings me to the subject of this post. Recently I acquired a temporary house-mate. Up until that time, I lived completely alone for a very long time, […]

Hyperbole much?

Hyperbole much?

Am I the only one that’s tired of the internet screaming at me? You may have noticed it, too. The headlines blare You will be Amazed! or You’ll Never Guess What Happens Next!. Just this morning, when I opened my home page, these words and phrases assaulted me not just once, but several times: The […]

What is the Future of Literature?

What is the Future of Literature?

I remember thinking my children weren’t getting the quality of education they needed in high school. Later, the same thoughts went through my head when my grandchildren took that step. Five years ago, when I decided to enter college, I saw an article that said about 75% of college freshmen had to take remedial courses – […]

Full Speed Ahead...slowly

Full Speed Ahead…slowly

Thanks for waiting for me for the past couple of months. I needed a break. Being responsible for a conference seems to be more taxing than it used to be – it must be that I’m getting older. Nah. That can’t be it. Up until the past few years, my philosophy has always been Full Speed […]