
Inspiration, Influence, or Something Else?

If you read a poem or story and you write something based on your reaction, is it okay? So at what point is it NOT okay? Of course if you copy lines, that’s definitely taboo. But what if, when someone reads your work and thinks  “Oh, xxxx wrote a piece like this, too.”? Have you crossed […]

Do You Have Great Expectations?

Do You Have Great Expectations?

Recently I was discussing a book with one of my friends, and I told her I didn’t get what I expected to get from it and was disappointed. She asked me How do I decide what I expect from a book, and Do I always expect something? Hmmm…I hadn’t ever tried to define my feelings […]

The Three R's

The Three R’s

Schools were already divided into grades and contained in brick building complexes by the time I got there, in spite of what my children and grandchildren will tell you, but the original one-room schoolhouse concentrated on simple education of the three R’s . Readin’, (w)ritin’, and (a)rithmetic. ‘Rithmetic wasn’t my fortè, yet I grew up and […]

Tell the Whole Story

Tell the Whole Story

Did you ever read a book, or watch a movie, that didn’t seem to go anywhere?  Page after page, scene after scene, things happen, but the story doesn’t seem to have a point? Bo and I recently rented Foxcatcher,  a movie that touted Five! Five Academy Award nominations! Briefly, it’s the story of John DuPont and […]