Arkansas Author

How's Your Voice?

How’s Your Voice?

If you were a singer, you would be doing deep breathing exercises and running scales – do,re,mi… If you were an actor or speaker, you would be doing the exercises and practicing vowels – a, e, i… …and you’d both be checking things like projection, volume, and resonance. But as a writer, voice may be […]

Just For Fun Friday 08/01/2014

Just For Fun Friday 08/01/2014

August 3rd through 9th is designated as National Service Dog week. We often only consider seeing-eye dogs as service dogs, but there are dogs trained to anticipate medical crises for diabetics, epileptics, heart and kidney patients and more, as well as those who help people with hearing impairments, autism, and other difficulties. Many are trained for assisting […]

Stories Untold

Stories Untold

I’ve harped enough on the subject of stories being all around us. The truth of this hit home when I read an article in the midst of the investigation of the jetliner that was shot down recently. The report revealed the identities and hopes, dreams, and accomplishments of many of the passengers of the fated […]

What If?

What If?

In her Adventures in Wonderland and on the other side of The Looking Glass, Alice discovers that sometimes there are different ways of looking at something.  When writing fiction, this is referred to as revisionism – the retelling of a story or type of story with substantial alterations in character or environment, to “revise” the […]

Essay, or Not?

Essay, or Not?

You know I ramble about contests. You know I like them – so much that if I’m not entering, I’m judging. And, as a judge, I’ve noted on more than one occasion that there seems to be some confusion on the difference between an essay and a short story.  Other judges have confirmed this problem. […]