life as we live it

Traditions - New and Old

Traditions – New and Old

This past month or so the subject of traditions has come up in our family several times.  Personally, I’m on the fence about them. I get tired of repeating the same meal or doing the same thing on a specific holiday. But there’s comfort in them, too.  I recognize the serenity in being able to […]

Finding the Right Words

Finding the Right Words

At our writers’ group the other night, our president used some extra time to ask about what we’ve been reading lately. My original thought was to compare three books that I had recently read, but a funny thing happened when I opened my mouth.  Even though the information was there in my brain, I could […]

What's The Subject?

What’s The Subject?

I love small town newspapers. The reporting is colorful, they include things about your neighbors (that sometimes they’d rather you didn’t know…yes, I’m such a gossip!), and often the typos are entertaining. But sometimes they leave you scratching your head. A few weeks ago, Bo and I picked up a local newspaper while traveling around […]

Just For Fun Friday 11/14/2014

Just For Fun Friday 11/14/2014

We’ve had a veteran’s theme going on all week on facebook and in other blog posts. On veteran’s day, my friend, Peggy Sanders, ,  posted the following remarks on facebook: “Thank you, veterans. And thank you to the veterans who don’t wear uniforms–the military families who make it possible for service members to […]

63 Words Later

63 Words Later

“The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”  These are the 34 words that make up the 15th amendment, passed in 1870.  “The right of citizens of the United […]