New writers

FIX Your Writing

FIX Your Writing

Please enjoy this guest post from Noelle Stern… (see bio below) *** You’re writing along like butter. Suddenly a stomach-wrenching jolt slams you against a concrete wall. That harpy in your head rebukes: “THAT’S THE WORST, MOST HORRIBLE, STUPID PHRASE SINCE . . . .” Take heart. Such a message doesn’t have to plunge you […]

In the Company of Writers

In the Company of Writers

Making this a bit short today, but want to congratulate so many friends on their success in the Arkansas Writers’ Conference competition.  Members of my writing group – Kim, Dot, Patsy, Del, Gary, and Jason –  brought home a total of 26 awards…that’s just awesome.   I’ve seen photos on Facebook of other friends who were […]

The Learning Process

The Learning Process

Rambling a little today, about odd thoughts…. I expect more of myself than I do other people. Nobody gets more upset at me than me over silly mistakes. I dwell on them. And I do expect to fix my own blunders and not have somebody else bail me out. I have this problem with my writing, […]