
I’m not making resolutions.

I’m recalculating.

And why wait until ‘after the first of the year’? Every day is always the first day of MY new yaer

We think of New Years resolutions as a declaration to change the way we do something or to do something we feel we need to do. In a moment of clarity, I realized how self-incriminatory and defeatist this is (some of you may be way ahead of me on this). It implies that up to this time, we haven’t done it right, or have been neglecting a necessity.

But by definition, a resolution is a formal expression of opinion or intention made. Nothing about regret there. Nothing about what hasn’t been accomplished.

Like in that insurance commercial, my ride often takes me somewhere unexpected. Instenavigatingad of doggedly trying to return to the old course, and seeing where I went wrong, I’m looking at where I can go from the new starting place. And I’ll continue to recalculate throughout the year, as needed. I’ve learned that you cannot possibly know today where tomorrow is going to take you.

Last summer I started this blog, which was NOT one of my goals for the year. Surprisingly, the blog itself has refreshed my interest in writing. I never before understood why all those authors told us to write every day (Clue: because if you don’t, your brain goes on vacation. You have to keep the pump primed!).

I accomplished several other things that weren’t on my list, too.  Some work I had planned turned in a different direction and is sitting there, waiting for recalculation. And I developed new ideas and changed perspective on an old project.

musingsHow about you? Are you feeling like you are spinning your wheels with old, unfinished work? Maybe you need to  recalculate, too.

If you insist on looking back, think about what you didn’t get done last year and consider the reason. Was it REALLY what you wanted? Or was it something you felt you should be working on because, after all, you started it a long time ago and it’s time you finished it. If that’s true, pull back from it a bit. Instead of digging in at the same place and trying to plod your way through to the end, look closely to see if you need to map a new route.

Or…hmmm…maybe it was just an exercise all along, and doesn’t NEED to be finished.

Maybe it’s time to lay aside old things. Shake the cobwebs out of your head, and start with a fresh, clean path

Think about what you discovered last year; new paths you stumbled upon; people or events that gave you new ideas. Isn’t there something you want to do that you hadn’t even thought about this time last year?

That blank screen is waiting.

Have an exciting year. I plan to.






4 Responses

  1. Kim
    Kim January 1, 2014 at 10:49 am |

    Good post, and good suggestions. You’re right, it’s impossible to know exactly where tomorrow is going to take you. Just enjoy the ride if you can. If not, look around and see which way you want to go next. Recalculating!

    1. Gayle Glass
      Gayle Glass January 1, 2014 at 6:25 pm |

      Thanks Kim.

  2. Dorothy Johnson
    Dorothy Johnson January 1, 2014 at 8:32 am |

    I am avoiding the word resolutions, but like you, I am taking stock on the past year and looking at the new one with the thought of concentrating on finding the best things for me to invest myself and my time in. There will always be time for friends, but I want to use the alone time in ways that count. Happy New Year! I enjoy your blog.

    1. Gayle Glass
      Gayle Glass January 1, 2014 at 6:24 pm |

      Yours too, DJ!

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