An Open Letter…

Meet Kim Greenup, friend and fellow member of White County Creative Writers.  This is Kim’s e-publishing debut, and I’m thrilled to introduce her.  You might find her on Facebook, at - -  

An open letter to my friends and family:

It’s December 22, and I have not sent a single Christmas card this year, and for that I apologize. Please allow me to explain.

Last year, right after Christmas, I found a large selection of boxed cards on sale for half-price. Now, who can resist a bargain? So I bought two big boxes. I can’t remember exactly what they looked like, but I remember one box contained beautiful cards, with fancy gold trim and a Christian message.aftger christmas sale

Some of you may have noticed that I have a slightly warped sense of humor, so you won’t be surprised that the other box of cards was humorous. I can’t remember what they looked like or said, but they were a welcome upgrade from my old “Santa’s up to his ho-ho-ho’s in snow” cards that I have used for several seasons. New cards, hurray! So I just put them up until next Christmas.

Sometime in the first week of January, my New Year’s Resolution became “This year I will get organized.” Now, please be aware that this resolution was quickly abandoned in favor of a resolution first to set up a budget, then a resolution to get in shape, de-clutter, then a dizzying assortment of shiny new self-improvement resolutions that each sounded more do-able than the last. (By the way, none of these resolutions actually ever got started, much less resolved.)

By February, all illusions of self-improvement have been completely abandoned, and life is as hectic, cluttered and unhealthy as ever. The rest of the year zips by, and it’s December again. I’m pretty sure I know where those pretty new Christmas cards are, so I’ll get them out in a day or two.look under the bed

The cards aren’t where I thought they were. Hmmm. I’ll look for them this weekend. Hmmm. Not there either. Where could they be? No, I’m not going to just buy more cards, when I know I have two brand new boxes here somewhere. I’ll find them, I’m sure.

Now there is only one mailing day before Christmas Eve, and I still haven’t found those dang cards. I’m sure I will eventually find them, and when I do, I plan on sending them immediately. So if you get a Christmas card from me in June, please just put it up somewhere, bring it out next December if you can find it, and know I am thinking of you.

Christmas in JulyMerry Christmas and Happy New Year!



( Merry Christmas from me, too! – Gayle)


5 Responses

  1. sandra harrison
    sandra harrison December 26, 2013 at 10:14 pm |

    So funny…so real! thanks for making me smile.

  2. dotlatjohn
    dotlatjohn December 26, 2013 at 10:51 am |

    I could definitely relate because I didn’t any cards out and have several boxes I bought on sale a couple of years ago! Enjoyed the post!

  3. Kay
    Kay December 24, 2013 at 9:04 am |

    Funny and very accurate timeline for me. I received 12 “free” cards in the mail from some charity I had sent a donation. I know where they are, in a drawer in the kitchen.

  4. Dot
    Dot December 24, 2013 at 8:01 am |

    Thanks, Kim and Gayle, for sharing. I’m sure several of us can relate.

  5. Arline Chandler
    Arline Chandler December 24, 2013 at 7:42 am |

    Cute, Christine. I saw myself. Merry Christmas!

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