Just For Fun Friday 01/17/2014

  Singing the Blues.ignore

Do you fight the blues and the depression when things are tough?  Try to ignore them and hope they’ll will go away if you don’t acknowledge them?

Well-meaning friends remind us God doesn’t give us more than we can handle (and don’t you wish he didn’t have so much faith in you?), What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger ( but you wonder for a minute, don’t you?) and all those other clichés.  I don’t know about you, but they really don’t help.

Maybe we should own our depression….at least for a little while. Like, half a day. Give it a time limit.Tell ourselves “Okay.  I’llcrying feel bad until noon. Then I have to get over it and get on with my life”… Use that time to really wallow in self-pity.  Tears are a way of shedding the sadness. 

Apparently, writing is cathartic, too.  Ever wonder why we have so many songs about crying?  Singin’ the Blues,  Tears in My Ears,  Cry,  Tears on my Pillow, – there are too many to even START listing!  Here’s a couple links, if you want to pursue the search….http://www.who-sang-that-song.com/tears-title-songs.html  http://cahlsjukejoint.com/2008/05/best-songs-about-crying.html

So, next time you feel bad, have a good crying jag before you tuck it away. Then, get busy.

                       Sorry for Myself 
            I feel a little sorry for myself
            Like a dusty old book that’s forgotten on the shelf.
                          I’m the last of the puppies, the one nobody chose;
                          Left alone in the garden like a flawed and faded rose;
                          Like the one and only poem in a book full of prose. 
           I’m the one that’s always left behind
           Like a piece of broken jewelry, and no one really minds.
                          The kid at the wrong bus stop, that no one ever missed;
                          The odd girl at the party nobody ever kissed;
                          The spinster aunt they left off of the ‘friends and family’ list. 
           I feel a little sorry for myself.
           And I admit the chocolates really helped.
                          Don’t know why you brought them to me –
                                                                    did you see I needed cheer?
                          I know you meant to share them but I ate them all, my dear.
                          I’ll do the same for you, though, later on this year
            When you feel a little sorry for yourself.




4 Responses

  1. Talya Tate Boerner
    Talya Tate Boerner January 20, 2014 at 8:02 pm |

    Great post and I love the idea of owning it and getting over it in a certain amount of time. I find writing does help – just getting it all out. Thanks!

  2. Kim
    Kim January 17, 2014 at 3:24 pm |

    What an appropriate subject for this time of year! Love the poem, and relate perhaps a little too well. Writing is definitely great therapy. I really enjoy your posts.

  3. Diane Stefan
    Diane Stefan January 17, 2014 at 2:14 pm |

    Love owning it – for a specific time, then getting on with things – great advice !! And awesome poem !! Have a great weekend !

  4. Dorothy Johnson
    Dorothy Johnson January 17, 2014 at 10:10 am |

    Yes, sometimes I do. And I agree. Well meaning folks don’t help when they say those things, but I think it’s because they don’t know what else to say. A half day sounds ok. I do try to guard against letting myself wallow in too much self pity. Loved your poem, all those images. Is that what they are? Spinster aunt, last puppy, faded flower, etc. I have felt that way, but try to remind myself that nearly everyone has those feelings sometime. Doesn’t make them true though. I just wrote this morning that one of my blessings is being able to expect things to get better. I’m grateful that I do. Been thinking you’ve been kinda quiet. Hope your weekend is fun. Keep in mind you’re an excellent writer!

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