Just For Fun Friday 11/07/2014

Oh, Rats!

(An old exercise, written from a prompt….it just seemed appropriate  :)

“Once a rat, always a rat,” said George.

“Oh, honestly.  Haven’t you got anything good to say?” asked Harry.  “After all, he’s been the mayor for ten years.  He’s got to be doing something right, or he wouldn’t get re-elected every time.”

“I don’t care.  He’s got most of the people fooled, and all the others in his pocket.  You’ll see.  I know I’m right.”politics in the park

They stood under a large oak in the city park, arguing as Mayor Hawkins made his latest campaign speech from the wooden platform. He grabbed the podium and gestured grandly across the crowd as he pointed out that his office had been dedicated to cleaning up the public areas of the city.   He waved to the sheriff as he talked about how they had worked together to make the parks safer, eliminating problems with drugs and alcohol.  Just as the crowd cheered at his speech, there was a movement at the base of the stand, and a small brown animal scurried from under the step and ran across the mayor’s feet.  He jumped and did a jig across the stage, wildly kicking his legs.  A brown and white terrier joined the scene, grabbing at the mayor’s flapping pants legs.

terrier chasing ratThe creature appeared again and dashed in small, erratic circles around the stage.  As the confused and frightened rat searched for an exit, the terrier grabbed it and shook it until it hung lifelessly from his mouth.  He proudly brought the dead rodent to the mayor, laid it at his feet, and stood back, barking.  The man nearly climbed the microphone stand in terror.

“Somebody get this beast away from me!” he shouted.  “Who let this d-d-dog loose in the park?  Where’s animal control?”  He kicked at the terrier, which began yapping and grabbing at his leg again, enjoying the game.

While the crowd roared with laughter he pulled a handkerchief from his pocket.  Something dropped from the cloth, and the dog grabbed it and ran into the crowd.

“Hey! Give that back!”

The dog dropped the small bottle and ran across the park, and the sheriff bent to pick it up.  He sniffed the container, opened it, and touched his tongue to the contents.

He looked at the man on the platform, and the sound of the crowd changed from jovial chatter to concerned mumbling. The Mayor sprang off the step, but the sheriff had already signaled his deputy, and the younger officer grabbed the mayor’s collar.

‘Mayor Hawkins, I think you need to come with me,” the sheriff said, and led the man to the car at the edge of the walkway.

George laughed, and placed his hand on Harry’s shoulder.  “See?  Outed by one of his own kind. Once a rat, always a rat!”



One Response

  1. dotlatjohn
    dotlatjohn November 7, 2014 at 7:30 pm |

    Love the dog pictures. The truth will come out.

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