Are We Dis-connected?

CommunicateDo we have, as The Captain in Cool Hand Luke called it, a failure to communicate? That’s a funny question for a writer to ask, but recent events have caused me to consider it.

Communication is more than just delivering a message. It’s interaction with others. Remember that invention called the telephone? defines it as an apparatus, system, or process for transmission of sound or speech to a distant point. Hmmm….are we using ‘sound or speech’ any more? With cellular technology the phone has morphed into a tremendous communication device, complete with keyboard and screens. Add to that the use of e-mails and social media, and up-close-and-personal time has gone the way of the dinosaur.

We are using electronic messages and suppose this passes for communication. We don’t use all those fine little muscles in our faces and inflections in our voices.  Our choice of which words to use can hide our emotions. It’s hard to tell if the sender is angry, accusing, or just asking a question. The closest we come to shouting is when we type in ALL CAPS!  Oh -don’t get me started about the deterioration of grammar and spelling.  And those little icons…well, yes, they are cute.  But they still only send part of the message.communicate e-mail

And we send a question and then tap our fingers and watch the clock while waiting for an answer.  We wanted an immediate response and the recipient isn’t ‘plugged in’ or ‘on-line’. We re-type the message, asking ARE YOU THERE? Our lives have gotten so complicated that we seem to have forgotten how to have a real conversation (informal interchange of thoughts, information, etc., by spoken words. Also from We could relay news, get an immediate answer and be able to answer any questions, resolve the issue, or complete the plan – all in one quick call.  Wow – what a concept. In fact, often in our frustration over those unanswered texts, we make that call.  Why didn’t we do it in the first place?

As a writer, I cherish the written word. I think I express myself better that way, because I can take time to choose my words slowly and carefully instead of having them just spill out of my mouth – and I can edit and delete, too! I admit, my family and friends and I text and e-mail much more than we talk. During the day, it’s easy to send a quick message as long as we don’t need a reply, or don’t need one quickly.  It’s a way of letting us know we are thinking about each other.

But there are times when a human voice is nice, and sometimes even necessary. Recently, a friend received very bad news about a family member – from a Facebook post. Another found out through Facebook that her daughter got married. I’ll bet you have similar stories. That’s sad.

Texting and e-mailing and Facebook are all nice, but sometimes we need up-close-and-personal.

*  *  *  *

I Miss My Mother’s Voice

I long to hear my mother’s voice again.
Conversations lasting long past midnightcommunication cell phone
over cups of steaming hot chocolate.
We discussed important things -
My children (her grandchildren),
What to plant in the garden this spring,
and what color to paint the living room. 
I miss my mother’s voice.
I used to run to the phone when there was news,
good or bad,
wanting – no, needing – to share,
to have her opinion.
I loved answering that insistent ring early in September -
hearing her voice,
“Happy Birthday, Honey!” 
I long to hear my mother’s voice again.
Time and distance have taken those intimate moments.
                   Now we have e-mail.

4 Responses

  1. Jan Morrill
    Jan Morrill July 15, 2015 at 3:39 pm |

    Gayle, I agree wholeheartedly. I can’t tell you the number of times an email or text was misinterpreted, because someone didn’t hear the intonation in the voice. And, I’ve saved every voice mail I have from my mother who passed away in February, as well as those of a dear friend who committed suicide in March. The ability to listen to the sounds of their voices is a priceless treasure no email could ever capture.

  2. Dot
    Dot July 14, 2015 at 1:19 pm |

    Love the poem, Gayle. I for one think we have a failure to communicate.

  3. patlaster
    patlaster July 14, 2015 at 7:45 am |

    Is this your poem? BTW, I won’t be attending or entering contests in WCCW this year. I’ve also split with CAW. Trying to get my sequel ready for the editor/publisher. Then working on short stories, National Poetry Day entries, etc.

    1. Gayle Glass
      Gayle Glass July 14, 2015 at 12:21 pm |

      Yup, it’s mine – from ‘Having Fun’ ( 2006!) – should have put that in the blog. Hmm…will call you, Pat….

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