Just For Fun Friday 09/20/13


Mom – “I liked your hair better the other way”

Kids – “That style’s too young for you”

Friends – “(gasp) WHAT did you do to your HAIR?”

Dog – “Woof! (lick, lick, lick)”

There’s truth to the saying that your dog loves you no matter what. You could beat him five nights in a row, and he would still be at the door, tail wagging, waiting for you on the sixth night. Your dog loves you even when you ignorelet's walk him because you have a new boyfriend and come in all hours of the night, turning his schedule into shambles; when you don’t feed him on a regular schedule; and when you are a sniveling mess who never gets out of her pajamas or brushes her teeth because you broke up with said boyfriend. He doesn’t criticize, demand, or expect things from you. You could be a serial killer and he’d still love you.

Does your family show you that much devotion? Your parents, bless their hearts, still ask “When was the last time you got a haircut?”, “Lose your razor?”, or “Why don’t you get a more practical car? You’re not a teenager anymore.” Your own kids, who beg and whine when they lose their jobs or life savings in a Ponzi scheme or expect you to get up in the middle of the night to pick them up when their car breaks down, turn their backs and treat you like a stranger if you call for help with a tree that fell across your driveway.dog with branchYour dog’s out there right now, trying to pull that tree out of the way, branch by branch.

Got friends? Yup, me too. Sometimes we like them better than family – after all, we got to CHOOSE them. And they’re the ones we call for help with that tree. But there are expectations. They expect us to act human, and adult. They expect us to be rational when that boyfriend breaks up with us or we have trouble with a co-worker. Theyguard dog expect us to listen to their problems, too – which we do, willingly, but there’s always that ‘edge’, the boundary you don’t cross, things you just don’t say.  Your dog expects nothing, won’t get his feelings hurt, doesn’t think his life is worse than yours, and is ready to bite said ex-boyfriend or co-worker at your command.

Sometimes we’re the ones that don’t want any of these things around- friends, family, OR (gasp) the dog. We just want to curl up with a good book and a mug of something and a bunch of cd’s, and read all night with nobody nudging us to get up or go do something else. If we fall asleep on the couch and choose to stay there instead of going to bed, nobody cares (well – maybe our back does, the next day…). That’s when a dog is best. You see, he is content to lie on the rug in front of you, snoring and waiting for your mood to improve.awww

Friends and family, I can hold my own with – I give as good as I get.  But the dog?  I just don’t deserve him.

 National Dog Week ( Sept 22-28) begins this Sunday.  Give yours an extra treat and snuggle, just to let him know he’s your best friend. If you don’t have a pet right now, consider adopting from your local shelter.  All that love is waiting. 

Dedicated to J.T., Angel, and Dixie,

and dogs that have gone …MahLi, Uhuru, Tuffy, TuffyII, and Muffin 


4 Responses

  1. Grace Grits and Gardening
    Grace Grits and Gardening September 24, 2013 at 11:43 am |

    I love love love my dogs, Lucy and Annabelle. Most days, I’d choose them over anyone else. At my house, EVERY week is National Dog Week:)

  2. Freeda Baker Nichols
    Freeda Baker Nichols September 20, 2013 at 3:25 pm |

    How sweet and descriptive of “man’s best friend.”

  3. dotlatjohn
    dotlatjohn September 20, 2013 at 8:28 am |

    You almost convinced me that I need a dog! Someday when I can’t go so much, I just might get one. Meanwhile, I’ll settle for my cats who love me most of the time. Good post! Happy Friday!

  4. Arline Chandler
    Arline Chandler September 20, 2013 at 7:40 am |

    I’m reading this at my dining table in motorhome as I eat breakfast. My dog, Spot, is guarding me so close to my chair, I have to step over him to get up. He waits for me at the bathroom door–or sometimes pushes his nose to open the door and peer in like: Are you OK? Sometimes he gets “pushy” with his barks when I don’t immediately give him a treat–especially, if I’m eating. But he’ll ride all day in the back of the Jeep just to be with me. He is unconditional love–you are right.

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