
Life is hard enough - Shrink Me!

Life is hard enough – Shrink Me!

I am not Extremely Fat, but my BMI is definitely higher than it should be.   At the gym, I look at the program instructors and those college girls (who are obviously there to socialize and not actually work out) and sigh.  The last time I was that small I was…their age.  Then I look around […]

Facing our Fears

Facing our Fears

A few years ago, the week of Memorial Day, my mother and I took a vacation to New Mexico.  As we approached Taos through the mountains, we were passed by small groups of bikers.  Mom was very nervous and made sure the doors were locked,  and gathered herself up in her seat like a turtle […]

All I Wanted To Do

All I Wanted To Do

“……….New reality: And the geek shall inherit the earth” I saw this headline on Yahoo! news yesterday morning and had to laugh. I have no doubt that it is true.  When my daughter was a teen, I pointed out to her that one of her friends’ dads was a ‘nerd’ in our class at school - small, […]