Arkansas Writer

Words and Music

Words and Music

At the Lucidity Poets’ Retreat, speaker/writer/educator Charlotte Renk shared six things that she calls the Qualities of Effective Writing. One of them is MUSIC. She specifies repeated sound and structure, but often a poem or essay ‘sings’ to me in other ways. It seems to call to me, deep inside. I think this is the […]

In the Company of Writers

In the Company of Writers

Making this a bit short today, but want to congratulate so many friends on their success in the Arkansas Writers’ Conference competition.  Members of my writing group – Kim, Dot, Patsy, Del, Gary, and Jason –  brought home a total of 26 awards…that’s just awesome.   I’ve seen photos on Facebook of other friends who were […]

Tell the Whole Story

Tell the Whole Story

Did you ever read a book, or watch a movie, that didn’t seem to go anywhere?  Page after page, scene after scene, things happen, but the story doesn’t seem to have a point? Bo and I recently rented Foxcatcher,  a movie that touted Five! Five Academy Award nominations! Briefly, it’s the story of John DuPont and […]



As I am writing this, I am waiting on a squall line that the weather-guy says is approaching my neighborhood. If it really hit hard, what would I save first? Well, the pets, of course. But beyond that? The computer? It has my life in it. But a few years back, when I first discovered […]

What's In A Name? (Titles)

What’s In A Name? (Titles)

You know you’ve done it. Perused the shelves at a local book store, looking through hundreds of volumes, trying to choose one to take home. You might have picked up a couple because the covers were so attractive. But the titles? Meh. Ah, but the one you chose….what really made you look inside? You bet. […]