Just For Fun Friday 03/20/2015

I keep telling you that life is stranger than fiction…..



Remember that quiz called Who Owns The Zebra?  I think I was a teenager when it first appeared.  It gave you a lot of random clues -


  • The British man lives in a red house -
  • The owner of the green house drinks tea - 
  • The man living in the center house drinks milk -
  • The Norwegian lives next to the blue house -
  • The Spaniard has a dog -

and other disjointed pieces of information.

Then by process of matching and elimination, you had to figure out all the relationships, like who drinks what, who lives in what color house,  etc. – including Who Owns The Zebra. This ‘wiki’ article on it is the best one I found when doing a quick search – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zebra_Puzzle

Well – the following is an excerpt from an article in the news a few days ago. I’ve removed most identifiers ( sorry, but – well, you know…)


A ******* man is still at a Little Rock hospital in serious condition after a zebra attacked him Sunday night, police say.
Officers were called to ********************Medical Center about a man who had been attacked by his own zebra, *********Police Department spokesman *********** said…
(later) a neighbor clarified that the victim does not own the zebra, his father does. 
…officers wouldn’t take action when it was thought that the man owned the zebra…The man could file a report against his father but police won’t pursue any charges. 


( I’m not makin’ this up, folks!)  BTW – ‘the man’ is a District Court Judge!

So – now we know.


laughing zebra



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