Just For Fun Friday 09/06/13

Did you ever have a line run through your head, over and over again?  It might have been something you heard on the news, or in a passing conversation.  It might have really not been the line at all, but one that was triggered by the sounds of another.  That was what inspired this parody, written for a boy with a passion for Camaros.

I hope you enjoy it.


Sonnet for Testosterone
(With apology to W. Shakespeare) 
Shall I compare thee to a Chevrolet?
Thou art more loving and less metalplate.car wash
Rough roads do shake the bolts astray
and a three year lease hath sealed thy fate.
Sometimes too hot thine engine winds,
and often is thy bold complexion dimmed
as wash and wax sometimes decline,
by chance of Nature’s unpaved course and wind.
But thine internal engine shall not race
nor lose compression of that valve, by plan.
Nor shall dust brag thou sit in place
When thou for time in fuel lines stand.
	So long as men can drive, or wheels roll free,
	So long runs this, and this gives pow’r to thee.
 sports car 2

4 Responses

  1. Freeda Baker Nichols
    Freeda Baker Nichols September 9, 2013 at 8:58 pm |

    Enjoyed it! :)

  2. patlaster
    patlaster September 6, 2013 at 11:17 am |

    Fun! You wrote a good parody, Gayle.

  3. Diane Stefan
    Diane Stefan September 6, 2013 at 9:17 am |

    Love it!! Always admire sonnets anyway. . .but this one is good and fun!!!

  4. Dorothy Johnson
    Dorothy Johnson September 6, 2013 at 7:49 am |

    Clever! I sometimes think about how my dad and father-in-law loved their cars. I think it was a generational thing. We like ours, but theirs was a special pride of ownership.

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